There is another new publishing of a Geo cache in my area - I want to be the first to find - made plans to go then my boss who is having a family reunion this weekend advise me not to go until the afternoon. The roads are being closed in sections at a time due to a massive cycling event between Vancouver and Whistler, And there is construction on our road to camp with the possibility of twenty minute delays at the single lane bridge that is being rebuilt.
Disappointment - I had my gear in the car - I was dressed for hiking not cooking - and I was all set to go ... so I had to wait - the morning turned out to be a lot more intense than I thought it would be - it is harder for Noni and I to cook for 24 people than it is to feed 180. More pressure - more stress feeding the camps owners family verses kids and teachers .... and I must say I was told to buy the best I could get from Sysco when I placed my order - money was not to be consider just quality.
Well the afternoon came after a steady hard pushing morning and we went to Cat Lake.
I was there in the beginning of August to find two - three caches and now I was going there to find this newly published one. I had given up hopes of being the first to find - with this cycling event - 1000 's of people were involved surely someone would find it today before me -And I was correct I was the third to sign the log book.
But before that - after driving a bumpy pot holed filled road we parked the car in a very crowed parking lot and started down the trail.-- GPS quickly indicated that I had missed it -but we needed to keep walking to a trail that led down to the lake it self - we had walked right past the main route right at the beginning of the parking lot. Where we left the parking lot was a four way choice and two were going in the direction I was to go and of course I chose the wrong one.
Eventually we get to the lake and join another walking path that circles the lake -we back track -good thing I like to walk - Noni was a little tired - the GPS once again indicates smaller distance and then at 53 feet it jumps up to 100 feet - I do some walking back and forth and trying different directions and no luck.
Noni hates it when I start doing this so she takes Dalhouise back to a opening in the trail that goes right into the water to let Dalhouise have a swim -
Well I am not having much luck so I decide we will just walk the trail around the lake - enjoy the moment - change my batteries in the GPS and come back again to see if it makes a difference.
Once again the GPS is not zeroing in on the location - Noni goes for another walk leaving me to myself and frustration - she walks Dalhouise to the beach area where she meets ups with my original dishwasher who is camping here this weekend - I never got a chance to talk with her - but just knowing she was close warmed my heart - she is doing OK...
I get a reading I am 15 feet - then 7 feet in proximity of the cache then it bounces back up to 75 feet again...
OK I really think it is near here so I put the GPS away and just start looking at places where I would hide one - here - there - over there --
Yes I found it - right where we began the search in the first place - Noni even told me she thought it was here in this location - but the GPS before said 75 feet away and even now it was indicating 23 - 25 feet further up the trail or in the middle of the lake....
- I don't care - all I care about now is that I found it - I signed the log book and I am not the FTF but the third - I wonder what the two special prizes were for the first tow people - they indicated on the web sight that there was a special gift for the first two people to find..
--OH well looking at my watch - oh my - I must get back to cook the supper.....