I have moved to the cabin in the woods where I work. The kitchen is dirty - the sinks pipes froze over the winter so I have no running water in the kitchen and the drain is also not working because the septic pipe broke over the winter - but here I am and started the cleaning.
Not only is the kitchen in bad shape - our cabin has been lived in by a single young lad for the last six months ---- do I need to say any thing else? My wife is not so happy. First thing she did was open all the windows to get some fresh air moving - dusting the thick layer of dust off the TV and other surfaces. She scrubbed our bathroom top to bottom - now it is looking and smelling better.
In the kitchen for the first day besides not having water there is a Piano still in the middle blocking our walk in fridge. I worked on cleaning the dry storage area and Noni was cleaning the front end of the kitchen trailer. The sales rep came and I was with him over an hour. It is difficult to place an order when you do not have a menu plan nor how many people you are actually feeding. Also I will be feeding picky eaters and gluten free and vegetarians. My numbers for this week I think is between six and ten people. I place a large order - this will do for this week and next and carry over into the following week also. On the weekend the official spring staff arrive and I will be feeding them their three meals per day and snack. Right after this week training school groups begin to arrive. -- I will post about that when they arrive.
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