Monday, May 27, 2013
Do you ever wake up just plain irritable - grumpy? Well this last week I had one of those days. Snapping at my wife - sharp with my pouch Dalhouise - and very short with camp staff. I was fit to be tied and stressed and angry. Happy to say it only lasted a day - but still.. it was a long day.
The break is now over I am soon heading to the kitchen it is 6;30AM Monday morning. As you can see by the pictures I had a good day off yesterday - packed with relaxing moments.
I slept in till 7:15 - went to church and talked with friends and my mother - then went out for lunch with my wife taking a drive to Whistler for KFC. We have no KFC in Squamish - it closed about a year ago and my wife was craving KFC ( me too) so off to Whistler we went. Well if I am going some place outside of Squamish I grab my GPS. I was able to find three caches yesterday. That is a good happy feeling when I find them and sign that log book. We eat our KFC and then walk around Whistler with Dalhouise - I owe him too since I yelled at him this week also...
Met these people in costumes and was able to get a picture of my wife with them - well done.
I like flowers - the tulips are still in bloom so that made me happy
Stopped at Brandywine Falls Provincial Park - yes to seek out a cache - but also because I have never been there and I hear it is wonderful scenic spot - Yes it sure is. And I found two more caches here.
I love driving - traffic was good - the roads were clear - the scenery is awesome.
Arrived back at camp - one of the staff who went away for a week vacation to a wedding in Hawaii has returned - she has just began Geo caching - I think I got her motivated to do so - she bought a GPS just before her trip ( she found five in Hawaii) and so tonight I help her go find four of my caches that are nearby the camp, but first she went with a bike ride with my wife so my wife is also happy. The four of us head to the beach where we met two of my ex camp kitchen crew who are camping out with their boyfriends on the beach. Of course seeing them just made me happy in it self.
So that was my day off....
Glad to see you got some time off Marty. You need to come here after camp is over and find some caches around here.