Saturday, February 16, 2013
Wet - soggy - determined. Once again I was up before my wife and out the door. What makes me so? Why can't I just let it be - stay in bed where it is warm - dry - cozy. No my mind is thinking about three geocaches I must find. Like one of my Spark friends told me -- Geocaching definitely actuates my primal thrill of the hunt gene.Two of the caches are located along the HWY 99 on the way to Whistler on view points pull outs. On a clear day the view/ scenery is amazing, but all I seen this morning was grey clouds covering all the mountains. I was here just this past November and took many pictures so I am not disturbed by the lack of views - my mission is to find those hidden caches. Success!
Pot break - I had just parked the car when a truck with a older man and two young lads stopped and stood out side their vehicle and lit up. Smoking - well it sure stunk - made me gag even though I was keeping my distance. They finished and left and I went on to find my cache - didn't want to search with them standing there.
Second one was cited as easy - well I guess it was - but it sure was not where I expected to find it - was a little stroll away from the main attraction along a foot path heading south next to the HWY. Good for privacy but I could not help but think that people seeing you come out of here or go into the woods will think you went in there to relieve yourself :)
On my way back into Squamish there was one more catch I wanted to track down. I thought I had an idea where to begin my search - I was a little off - but close enough. My hint said it was near two large trees and it was well camouflage. Well I found the two large trees - but don't they realize there are a lot of large trees in this area..... My GPS was very helpful in keeping me on the straight and narrow and yes it was very well camouflage - but I found it.. All the while it is pouring rain - I am one wet soggy man.
I was so determined to find this cache - it was recorded that it had a travel bug in it. This is an item that a person carries from one cache to another on a journey until it reaches its final destination. It has a tag like a dog tag with a code number on it - you can go one the web and track this number to find out where it began and where it has been. Once you have it - you take it to another cache and record your drop on line.
So today I really wanted to find this cache before another person finds it and takes the travel bug - I wanted this privilege for my self. Success - so now I hope later this week or next to take it to Vancouver and drop it in a cache I find there.
this morning view
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