Monday, February 11, 2013
I bought a handheld GPS (Magellan explorist 310) yesterday afternoon. I found my first cache yesterday also just before supper and before darkness came on.
This morning very early when it was still dark I walked with Dalhouise to the location that I had uploaded from the computer last night that told me where I would find hidden caches. I have walked past the spot so many times - I just had to find it. I had almost given up when I noticed something out of place. Not so easy. I had searched and searched - looked under - looked on top - looked all around where I was sure where my treasure hid. There was no X to mark the spot. That was so exhilarating - to find such a small treasure.
Moving on I went to my next site which was easier because the sky was much brighter now - however there was no sun - a fine mist was falling. I found my second cache much faster than the last one even though it was smaller
I went to my third location - I spent along time there looking for it but never did find it. I went home and searched the internet for the answer to the hint given. Where do trolls hide? I was thinking caves or under a rock - I was so, so wrong. So where do they hide - under bridges - as soon as I realized this I went back because I knew where I must look.... but why did my GPS have me looking in a total different location? Success..
Off I go looking for one more cache - I see it is located near the last one - I am sure I walked around and around it but do you think I can find it. NO! I finally had to give up and go home. I also think I ended up where I shouldn't be as two huge horses come galloping over to me and Dalhouise. I am not a horse person and was afraid of Dalhouise safety - all is well - they sniff him he looks scared and stays close to me and I get myself between horse and dog, and get out of this field as fast as I can.
One more attempt - Noni and I go look for one more cache - failure once again - so close but so far away - I will try again tomorrow if it is not raining.
The GPS tells me I going the right direction - the feet measurements are getting fewer and fewer - then all of a sudden it says I went the wrong way and I am many feet from my destination -just like that! Now my wife is unhappy and wants to go home - she tells me this is not going to be her hobby. That is where my day ends with geocaching. On the plus side I was out side at least for 5 hours today and I have 13540 steps in. Also every now and then I was able to get a good picture taken.
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