Road Trip has begun - Vancouver Island - so my first stop to search was in Ladysmith - No luck as I searched high and low for my first cache on the Island and so I wasted too much time at this spot. Not much further away I had loaded to my GPS hand held device another cache so off I go to find this - Noni now was a little quizzie so she sat in the car as I took off to seek - conquer.
At first I was thinking OH NO - it appeared I was going the wrong direction all the time but I went up this road - down this alley - across the road - onto a little walking path through the brambles and then it opened up to an area that I recognized from a picture on the website - that gave me some peace now that I knew I was in the right vicinity - and that the GPS said I was within 14 feet. So I started looking around - it was a nice area - the hint said railroad - well I was now standing on old railroad tracks - OH NO again I thought a small magnetic thing stuck to a track how will I find that? Looking for any sign at all - yes just over there a few feet where I was standing was different - I looked and touched something just under the lip of the track and I am HAPPY.
We continue driving stopping along the route to search for caches taking our time until it got dark then made a beeline to Victoria to get a hotel for the night. I should had tried earlier or even pre booked a hotel. This weekend Victoria is hosting dragon boat racing and I hear there are several weddings taking place... This means there are no rooms available – I have to drive 50 km back to seek a room. I pull into this hotel and that one only to be told no vacancy and the front desk clerk would phone around for me asking if any other hotel had rooms. Finally in Cowichan Bay there is one room left in the Oceanfront Grand Resort – executive suite – do I want it? It is getting late – I am tired – it has been a long day – it has been a long summer so I said yes... The cost for the night 186.45 dollars. I think that is a lot for a bed but what choice do I have if I want to travel.
25 August.
On the positive note the view was pretty amazing overlooking the marina and harbour. In the morning after having a good night sleep Noni and I go walking to explore and look for caches. Cowichan Bay is very beautiful and Noni was very happy as she explored the area. At one spot while I was searching for a cache she took the camera and sat down by the shore next to the public boat ramp. As she sat there two or three seals were swimming back and forth. It was a pleasant time sitting with the seals the sun and boats that were being launched from the boat ramp – no complaints.
I was happy, found four more caches in the area which was bringing me closer to my goal.
We did a lot of walking – up the mountain and then back down to the shore line walking paths and along this for many hours. I would say we were walking for about five hours.
Onwards to Victoria to the waiting hotel I had booked. Arrived there 3:15 checked in and went exploring on foot again. GPS in hand of course... I picked the Quality Inn Downtown Victoria for its location – I wanted to be near the ocean and down town. I am in love with this city – I can not put my finger on it – but I just like it.
I find a couple more caches and as we were walking about – we came to a tourist attraction Miniature World (22.70 $) Noni wanted to check it out so we went in. Trains – planes – automobiles – towns of WW 2 after the devastation of bombings and shelling so life like and of course Disney reproductions. It was well worth the cost and time to browse.
Right next door as we exited was the Five Star Whale watching charters – we went in to inquirer about a tour. Tours begin at 9 and 2.
In the morning I am busy, so that is not possible and I am not sure about the afternoon just yet so I said we would come back if possible. We continue walking around the inner harbour just looking at this and that. It is a gorgeous area – flowers – people milling about – boats – the parliament buildings – the ocean – yachts – boosters on the side - singers – musicians.
We keep walking now looking for a place to eat. We go into a pub to eat fish and chips. They were OK – but not the best and it was expensive (67.60 $) Then we walked back to our hotel that seemed far away – but not really. About 8:30 we go into our room and I am totally exhausted – I strip down and lay down and the next thing I know it is the morning...
I have No idea what Noni did or what time she went to bed - I was out.......... All the driving – walking – working must had hit me all at once .
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