I remembered to set the clocks back -did you?
Woke up early coerce Dalhouise out in the icy chilled morning to walk around the block. Entered back into the warm condo – cooked breakfast of oatmeal – and then we were off to Sunday school and church. Afterwards it was home for lunch a salad and an omelet.
The sun is shining – I don't want to stay home. OK lets go for an excursion and Geo caching. Driving here and there we eventually came to a dirt road which became more and more undriveable. We were driving through puddles that engulfed the whole route – no idea what lied under the surface – was there a huge hole – slowly we plunge in and plowed through. It is times like these that I wish I had a off road vehicle. If I were alone I probably would had kept going – but Noni was with me and she was telling me to stop, she was scared. There was a Geo cache only one mile away – I thought maybe I should just park the car and walk the remaining way – decided against this too – might come back alone some time in the future.
So turning around we head to the paved highway and drive to Whistler.
I don't know why – I can not put my finger on it – I don;t want to live here. I like to visit – I like to browse the shops – too expensive to buy much here. I like watching the people, happy faces , tired faces after hiking or biking or skiing the many trails and slopes.
Success – Noni and I walked around the village and I was able to find five caches. This now means there is NO more in the village for me to find. I will need to walk the trails or head out into the surrounding areas to seek and find caches. Don't worry there are lots – but not in the safety of the village. Soon the snows will fall and you will not be able to find caches until spring most of them. That means I will be heading towards Vancouver where it is forever spring.
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