The view from the
kitchen window
10 Jan 07
Looking through the kitchen window at another fresh snowfall, I watch the red chickens. I have not really notice before but those legs – those chicken drumsticks, they are huge. I love the dark meat of the leg from a turkey best, and those legs are so huge maybe they are part turkey. Wishful thinking, it just shows what exercises does to a critter. I don’t need to pump them full of growth hormones or force feed – just open the coop's door and let them roam free. Such freedom can be dangerous for my city dweller visitor though, who came today - I watch him go to the coop to close the outer door for the night. He stops to face Mr. Rooster who is standing his ground in front of the door, then it takes a step into the coop and visitor takes a step forward, Mr. Rooster turns and steps back and visitor withdraws – who is the chicken here? Madonna’s song “Time goes ever so slowly” poor visitor he wants to flee but he can not be outwitted by a rooster – I do not know – if a little rooster can cause such fear what will happen when he has to face life’s bigger roosters? However in this moment it brings entertainment to me as I sit in a wheel chair and look out from the view of the kitchen window.
Sitting in front of the kitchen window not paying any attention to the view as I am engrossed in this book lent to me pondering this statement “A sensitive girl would quickly see through …….
Yet you never could tell what a woman would think or
do: they were as sharp as fine steel in some things and dull as a
blunted tools in their judgment of men”
Relationships – the beginnings – and endings are
so difficult girl likes boy – boy does not click in or vise versa
Mr. Rooster might have it right – see chick goes gets her!!!!
I am sure leaving my self open here for some
criticism………… but in reality of life look around and see all
these torn relationships and unhappy people because they have chosen
wrong -- my ducks and pigeons all seem happy, and Mr. Rooster
certainly is being very cocky out their in the yard – just ask my
The flock rushes out over the edge all in one mass
movement and they are out of sight, gone from the view of the kitchen
window. My mind turns back to ages long ago when the North American
Indians would do their buffalo hunts. Herding and pursuing these
great beasts off the cliffs of the parries, so that they could
survive as a people. If one could time travel and go back – the
adventures and joys of those days long gone. But time does not go
back and as I look out the kitchen window I see my flock of”
buffalo wings” come flapping up over the embankment. Not sure why
they all fled over to begin with but I have a clear view now from the
kitchen window of why they are rushing back. Right on their tail with
wings out full and necks straight comes my two huge ducks pursing the
hens with all their body puffed to the fullest. Even my little bantam
Mr. Rooster is not putting up a fight for his chicks against Mr. and
Mrs. Duck. I wonder what that squabble was about. Normally they
mingle nicely.
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