Off to the big city of Vancouver BC today. Today we wanted to watch the Chinese New Year's Parade. I looked on the maps planned all my route and off we went. I should had paid more attention to the timing. However as it turned out I had perfect timing. I thought the parade began an hour later and so I was a little concern about standing around for an hour. I was leaving early to get a parking spot close - when I got there all the spots were taken that I had planned on using - so we parked further away from the parade route. No worries we still had lots of time. We walk to the corner of where the parade was going to do its turn around to go down a paralleling street. We were standing there for about ten minutes when we heard the fire crackers and the first group of participants coming around the corner. What good timing.... We stood I am sure for two hours watching the parade go by.. I am happy that my wife talked me into going to this....
Looks like a fun parade.